The length of the grass on the roadside of the Pegasus golf course has been a source of conversation amongst the eastern community in recent months following the change of ownership at the Pegasus Golf & Sports Club.
Part of the changeover saw the Council ‘inherit’ responsibility for the maintenance of the fringes, while a suitable and more enduring arrangement was negotiated with the new owners of the club.
That process is ongoing.
In the interim, the Council has had the grass mown on three occasions, while keeping a close eye on the situation to ensure the growth is managed.
While the maintenance levels of the grass applied by the Council are less than those that were put in place by the previous golf club owners; they chose to maintain that standard at their own expense.
The standards we are apply, in terms of at what point we have the grass mown, are consistent in their application across the District.
The Council cannot be held to the same level of expectation as are private owners, as to do so would require it to significantly increase grass maintenance levels across the District, at considerable additional cost to the ratepayer.
We will continue to carry out mowing as is required at Pegasus, while talks with the new owners of the Golf Club continue.
A further mow of the golf course fringes is scheduled for this week.
Gerard Cleary | Manager Utilities & Roading Utilities & Roading
The Pegasus Residents' Group will be following this issue closely and will report back with any significant updates.
