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November 2016


The President and Secretary of the Pegasus Residents’ Group met recently with both the Council and Todd Property (separately) to discuss a variety of issues relating to Pegasus Town.

Pegasus Lake – continues to be owned by Todd Property, though they are keen for it to be transferred to WDC soon. WDC continue to monitor the nutrients in the Lake and are continuing to work towards a transfer of this asset from Todd Property. PRGI will continue to follow progress closely.

Western Ridge Conservation Area and Eastern wetlands area – Both these areas remain under the ownership of Todd Property with discussion taking place between TP, WDC and the Te Kōhaka Tūhaitara Trust. This is another area PRGI are closely monitoring and seeking progress on to enable proper maintenance and conservation work to be done.

We were informed that the former ‘Harcourts’ building on the corner of Pegasus Boulevard and Whakatipu Street has been sold and will be removed soon. Once it has been removed, the land will be cleared and grassed over for sale as a residential section.

Swales – WDC ask that residents who have swales that are in bad repair, or too steep, put in a service request to get them fixed (this may include partial filling to level the slope off a bit). This does not include mowing; that is up to the property owner or occupier.

Retirement village – There is still a block of land that was originally allocated for a retirement village. Todd Property have told us that no interest has been shown in this development at this stage.

Flags and poles – The flags at the entrance to Pegasus were removed by Todd Property due to weather conditions causing wear and tear that meant they had to be replaced frequently at considerable cost. The poles were found to have signs of corrosion, so were also removed. PRGI have spoken to WDC about getting flags for Pegasus Main St at Christmas time and this will be looked into further for 2017.

Community Centre – It appears the Portacom idea may not proceed and another idea is currently being investigated. This matter has yet to go before the Woodend Sefton Community Board and the full Council for approval, so we are unable to provide details at this stage.

All in all we were pleased with the meetings and all parties are happy to have similar meetings in the future. If you have any queries about the information above, please contact us.


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