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Pegasus Community Centre JP Volunteers Catch-up

The PRGI run a roster of JPs (Justice of the Peace) who donate their valuable time and provide JP services at the Pegasus Community Centre.

On Saturday, July 1st, we organised a brief morning tea catch-up to express our gratitude to the JPs and provide them with an opportunity to meet and get to know each other better.

The JP services provided by our volunteers at the centre are invaluable to our community, with their expertise and assistance helping community members navigate important documentation.

JP drop-in sessions are available at the centre on the first and third Saturday of each month from 10.30 - 11.30 am. The service is free and no appointment is necessary - just pop in.

We are thankful to have such compassionate individuals supporting the Pegasus Community Centre and our community!

Left to right: Shane Luzak, Juliette Hayes, David Petre and Christine Taiaroa. Absent from photo is Rachel Emmitt.


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