The Pegasus Community Watch patrol has been running for 10 years, with volunteers patrolling the Pegasus community in a vehicle on Friday and Saturday nights and at other random times. The purpose of the patrols is to observe and report any suspicious or dangerous activity. The role is non-confrontational, and our volunteers are rostered on in pairs.
Our current community watch coordinator is stepping down from the role in May. That means we are looking for someone to take over the coordination of the community watch, particularly the roster.
This role is vital to enabling the community watch patrol to continue. Without it, we will have to discontinue the service for our community.
Putting the roster together only takes 1 - 2 hours once every 2 - 3 months (frequency depends on the number of volunteers). It is also advisable to contact those on duty each week by phone/text or email. This is only a 5 - 10-minute job each week.
We would hate to lose this valued community service that helps keep our community safe - but we need your help to continue it.
If would like to know more about what is involved or become a volunteer, please contact John on phone/text 0272642519 or email: Note: Do not use these contact details to report crime.