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Pegaus Bay School & PRGI Matariki Morning Tea

We were delighted to once again partner with Pegasus Bay School and put on the Pegasus Kaumātua/Senior Residents Matariki Celebration Morning Tea on Wednesday this week (28th June).

This is the second time we have held this popular event together with the school. It is a wonderful opportunity for our senior residents to connect with the school and their moko who are students and see them perform.

Around 80 people came along to the event. The junior and senior Kapa Haka Groups sang their hearts out and gave a wonderful performance which included a few favourites such as Tūtira mai ngā iwi*, which the audience sang along to.

The Pegasus Residents Group (PRGI) provided the morning tea with an array of delicious scones and muffins supplied by the Flat White Cafe - and they were absolutely delicious! Thank you to Clare and her team!

A very big thank you to the Woodend-Sefton Community Board who provided the PRGI with funds for the food and hot drinks.

After morning tea, the kaumātua visitors were invited to look around the tamariki's Matariki displays in each classroom.

Special thanks to Jared and the Pegasus Bay School team, especially Whaea Emily Matthews and the Kapa Haka lead Whaea Sonya Faisst who did an amazing job coordinating the event, all the children into costumes, and the practices!

Thank you to our PRGI and Pegasus Community Centre volunteers who gave their time to help organise the event and serve the morning tea.

Below we have a lovely slideshow of shots of whanau from the event, along with a video.

Click on the slideshow arrows below to view the photos:

Video 1:

Video 2:

*Did you know that Wi Huata wrote this song and taught it to his children whilst at a family gathering at Lake Tutira, north of Napier? He was explaining how the iwi came together here to support each other. Later he used this song to promote Moral Re-armament, uniting different cultures.


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