Unfortunately, due to the shift in levels in the Red Traffic light system and the escalating number of COVID community cases, the Pegasus Residents Group Inc. (PRGI) has made the decision to cease our PCC volunteer operations at the Pegasus Community Centre until further notice to protect our volunteers.

Please note this only applies to the PCC VOLUNTEER OPENING TIMES: Mon: 2-4pm, Wed & Sat: 10am-12pm. It does not apply to any other bookings or activities at the centre.
This also means there will be no JP services at the centre during this time. JP services run at libraries around the district – visit the Waimakariri Libraries website for days and times.
To give some access to the Book Cave, the book trolley is out on Saturday's 10am-12pm and again on Mondays' 2-4pm, and Wednesday's 10am-12pm.
When the red-light traffic setting reduces then we will return to having the Centre open as before. Hopefully within the next month or so. But we will keep you posted!
In the meantime, grab a book or puzzle (they are free) or return your book at the back of the trolley.