2024-2025 PRGI Membership Invoices
Thank you so much to our valued members, who have supported our work over the past 12 months. We could not have done it without you!
Our 2024/2025 membership invoices have been sent out, so please keep an eye out. We do appreciate prompt payment.
Renewal of your 2024/25 membership also means you will retain speaking and voting rights at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 24th July, where we will also be sharing the results of our 2024 PRGI Residents Survey.
2023-2024 Year Brief Summary of Activity
Our PRGI Committee and volunteers had a busy year. Highlights include working with other stakeholders on the Pegasus CCTV project with Phase 1 about to be implemented and the creation of the Pegasus Fairy Forest.
Our PRGI committee are also members of the Northern Pegasus Bay Advisory Group, Woodpecker Community Trust, Waimakariri District Council Liaison, Social Services Waimakariri and Make SH1 Safe Group and attend regular meetings as required.
We co-hosted with the Pegasus Bay School Matariki morning tea event, organised the Meet the Candidates for the 2023 general election, provided Halloween and Christmas Lights maps, and held a children’s movie night, and with the WDC, put on the Fairy Forest workshop and created the forest down by the beach.
Along with the above, we manage the day-to-day running of the Pegasus Community Centre, plus the coordination of the Pegasus Community Watch. There are a number of other activities we undertake - learn more here.
Membership Fee
The annual membership fee for the 2024/2025 period remains at $20.00 per household. Your membership fee helps us to meet the costs of running the community watch vehicle, events and other running costs that are not covered by our fundraising or grant applications.
Why your membership matters!
Your membership is crucial in enabling us to advocate on your behalf to help ensure that Pegasus voices are heard by important stakeholders. Through your membership, we also offer various services and events that benefit the community.
