Have you heard about the Greater Christchurch Partnership? Waimakariri District Council is a partner in the project.
"The Greater Christchurch Partnership is a voluntary coalition of local government, mana whenua and government agencies working collaboratively foster and facilitate a collaborative approach between the Partners to address strategic challenges and opportunities for Greater Christchurch."
The partnership says that "By 2050 more than 700,000 people are projected to be living in the Christchurch, Selwyn and Waimakariri districts – 30% more people than there are today. Our population could double to 1 million people within the next 60 years, if not earlier."
Where will people live and work? How will people get around without increasing congestion and travel times? How do we protect and enhance our environment, make our region more resilient, and ensure Greater Christchurch remains one of the greatest places to live?
The project is currently asking for your feedback on their ideas on accommodating growth and transport for the future to help them meet the future challenges and if you think they are on the right track.
This is a project you need to be aware of and have your say. The "transport for the future" addresses transport and includes a few answers around rail we found interesting. And the accommodation growth talks about intensification.
They have a great website that is full of information and easy to navigate. Everything you need is here: https://greaterchristchurch.org.nz/.
Don't forget to have your say!