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Updated: Mar 26, 2022

The morning after the fire on 23 January, PRGI contacted WDC to ask for some improvements to be made to the current emergency exit at the junction of Pegasus Main St and Gladstone Rd. Numerous email communications took place involving Council staff, elected members and other relevant parties. A site meeting was held on 7 February, involving PRGI, Woodend Community Association, Woodend-Sefton Community Board members, the Mayor and Council Roading staff. Council staff also consulted the Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade, NZ Police and Civil Defence. Further discussion took place at the Community Board meeting on 11 February. The outcome is reported below in this update from Joanne McBride, Roading Manager at the Waimakariri District Council. PRGI thank all those involved for taking our suggestions on board and for being so willing to engage and take action. Further discussions are ongoing and we will let you know if there are additional updates.

A fire on the roundabout at the intersection of Infinity Drive and Pegasus Blvd on January 23 resulted in the temporary closure of the road into Pegasus and the opening of the emergency access on Gladstone Road where it meets Pegasus Main Street.

This was the first time the gate has been used to date. At the time the emergency access was put in place Council discussed this with residents and the fire service and while an electric gate was initially proposed it would have been prone to failure during power outages. For this reason a standard gate with lock and key was decided on.

Since the fire Council staff have started working with the Woodend-Sefton Community Board, Pegasus Resident Association, Woodend Community Association, Fire Service, Police and Civil Defence to review the operation of the emergency access and implement improvements, should the access be required in a future event.

The following improvements are to be made:

  • Install a kerb cut down at the end of Pegasus Main Street to allow easier vehicle access

  • Increase the width of the emergency access gate to allow better flow of vehicles

  • Install signage on the unsealed road

  • Confirm the procedures for the operation of the emergency access.

Further information will be shared with the Community as this work progresses.


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